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About Us

Amanda started her career with the Ministry of Education, both in Special Education (supporting schools with student behaviour and learning) and in Student Support (resolving conflict and negotiating pathways forward between schools and families), as well as working in London setting up a school-based behaviour improvement programme. 

12 years ago, Amanda started her private practice to better meet the needs of children and families not eligible for services through government departments.

Work has included academic and cognitive assessments, special assessment conditions reports, delivering the Journey of Hope emotional resiliency programme to children following the 2011 earthquakes, parenting support for families and whanau, individual work with children, support for children, adults, families and whanau following traumatic brain injury, and chronic pain therapy. 

Amanda is the parent of 3 teenagers, and has found the role of parenting has added hugely to her theoretical knowledge of psychology.

She hopes that her parenting experiences have made her more empathetic to other parents and her strategies and interventions more practical and manageable.


Amanda has regular supervision and meetings with a range of other psychologists and practitioners and is happy to suggest and refer on to other professionals where appropriate.

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